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In-game description: "Audrey is my coworker. She's fairly useless at work; she can be nice, but she is trouble."

Audrey is Mike’s coworker. She is a masochist and likes pain. She flirts with Mike in a way that pisses him off, as she is trying to get him to be hard on her. She isn’t very detail oriented and makes a lot of mistakes at work, but some of these are on purpose in order to get punished.

In the office, Audrey will occasionally come to Mike asking for help after she’s made a mistake. If accepted, Mike spends 2 hours and gains 1 with Audrey. If refused is lost.

Story events

Mike saves Audrey


Prerequisites: didn't finish Lexi calls Mike, >= 20, >= 20, Pub, Audrey present

Mike sees Audrey being threatened by Danny. Mike can choose to help her. If Mike chooses not to help, Audrey does not become available.

If you do help, you can choose to say she’s your toy (she’ll tease you about that later), or fight Danny or intimidate him. If you fight him you must have 75 or 50 + martial arts skill.


Prerequisites: finished Samantha asks for a date & Lexi calls Mike, >= 20, >= 20, Pub, Audrey present

Mike spots Ryan going to the bar in the pub. After a while he hears Ryan being an asshole towards Audrey.

If Mike tries to help Audrey he will beat up Ryan if : >=90 or >=50 + martial arts skill. If he does not have enough fitness he will get beat up.

Outcome: If helped Audrey in either of these events, Audrey is available, Audrey Max is set to 20.

Note: If Danny and Ryan have both been removed from the game, Audrey will become unobtainable.

Audrey thanks Mike for the help

Prerequisites: Office, helped her with Danny, Audrey >= 20

Audrey thanks Mike for helping her with Danny, and flirts with him in a manner he finds confusing.

Outcome: Audrey Max set to 30, can be kissed at 28 .

Audrey in the gym

Prerequisites: Gym, Audrey >= 30

Mike spots Audrey in the gym and stares at her for awhile. If he goes over to her, she slaps him in order to provoke him.

Outcome: Audrey Max set to 40.

First date

Waterpark meetup

Prerequisites: not done Park meetup, Waterpark, Summer/Spring, Sat 12:00-16:00, done Audrey in the gym, Audrey >= 40

Mike meets Audrey at the waterpark. They do some kissing, and if Mike tries to feel her up can increase

Park meetup

Prerequisites: not done Waterpark meetup, Park, Fall/Winter, Sat 12:00-16:00, done Audrey in the gym, Audrey >= 40

Mike meets Audrey in the Park. Mike and Audrey are fooling around a bit.

Outcome: Audrey Max set to 50.

Audrey’s restaurant handjob

Prerequisites: 19:00, Audrey >= 50, done Waterpark meetup

Audrey invites Mike to a date at the high class restaurant. While there, she gives him a hand job and once he’s made a mess, leaves.

Outcome: Audrey disappears.

Audrey’s punishment

Prerequisites: >= 50, work or work hard, done Audrey’s restaurant handjob, Audrey >= 50, Fun <= 5 or Sexperience >= 10

Audrey reappears in the office, and Mike is angry. If he does not restrain himself, he fucks her right there on his desk. Audrey loves it.

Outcome: Audrey reappears, Audrey Max set to 60.

Photocopied butt

Prerequisites: >= 60, work or work hard, done Audrey’s punishment, Audrey >= 60

Mike finds a photocopy of a butt, and Lavish is there. Can use it to flirt with Lavish for 10 . Mike can then accuse Aletta, Shiori or Audrey of leaving the photo for him.

Outcome: Audrey Max set to 70

Relieve stress

Prerequisites: done photocopied butt, Audrey >= 70, personal office, work or work hard

Mike calls Audrey into his office because he needs to relive stress.

If Mike's sexperience skill is >= 20 he can choose between the doggy and cowgirl position.

Audrey can't get pregnant from this event.

Outcome: Audrey max set to 80

Mike's confession

Prerequisites: done Relive stress, Audrey >= 70, personal office, call Audrey into your office (requires at least 50 . See Audrey#Submission events)

Mike calls Audrey into his office and confesses to her that he loves her.

Outcome: Audrey max set to 90, Audrey disappears from the map

Audrey reappears

Prerequisites: done Mike's confession, Audrey >= 80, days passed >= 3, work or work hard

Audrey reappears and confesses that she also loves Mike.

Outcome: Audrey max set to 100, you can now marry Audrey.

Disciplining Audrey at work

These events are not relevant for increasing her cap or progressing her main story.

Important: For these events you must have Shiori available. You will lock yourself out of Audrey's submission route if you don't hire Shiori.

Audrey’s HR threat

Prerequisites: Work or work hard, done Shiori scolding 3, Audrey >= 45 & >= 25

Audrey comes to Mike and threatens to go to HR because he’s a perv. If he “accepts her proposal she’ll come back.

Audrey gets caught

Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Audrey >= 55 & >= 50, done Audrey’s HR threat

Aletta catches Audrey shredding some important documents, and brings her to Mike. Mike spanks Audrey.

Mike has the option to let Aletta stay and watch (if Aletta's >=25 & >= 75 & had post-date sex), which increases Aletta’s and .

Audrey gets more spanking

Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Audrey >= 65 & >= 75, done Audrey gets caught

Audrey makes even more “mistakes”. Mike calls her on it and spanks her again, this time fingering her ass.

Submission events

Getting dirty at the park

Prerequisites: Audrey >=15, Audrey sexperience >=1, Go on an evening date and get at least 80 date score

If Mike let's Audrey have her way: Date can be continued at home for a "hot coffee".

If Mike denies Audrey the fun at the park: -3 and +5 and Date ends!

Outcome: Audrey max set to 25

Distracted during the movie

Prerequisites: Audrey >=25, Audrey sexperience >=2, Go on a date to the cinema

Outcome: Audrey max set to 75

Thirsty at work

Prerequisites: Audrey >=75, Audrey sexperience >=5, Work hard at the office

Outcome: Audrey max set to 100

Other events

Go to the gym!

Prerequisites: No sport clothes, Audrey present

If you have not yet purchased sport clothes, Audrey will tell you to go to the gym, and that you need sport clothes to do so.

Sex events

Hot tub Sex

Prerequisites: Home Date, Audrey >=50, Sex with Audrey at least once, Hot tub repaired

During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.

Time schedule

The following table shows at which time you can meet Audrey in various locations.

Warning: The table is only valid if you turn randomness off.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
00:00 09:00 sleep 00:00 09:00 sleep 00:00 09:00 sleep 00:00 09:00 sleep 00:00 09:00 sleep 00:00 09:00 sleep 00:00 05:00 nightclub
10:00 17:00 office 10:00 17:00 office 10:00 17:00 office 10:00 17:00 office 10:00 17:00 office 10:00 11:00 gym 06:00 10:00 sleep
18:00 clothes shop 18:00 clothes shop 18:00 clothes shop 18:00 clothes shop 18:00 clothes shop 12:00 14:00 jewelry shop 11:00 12:00 gym
19:00 gym 19:00 gym 19:00 gym 19:00 gym 19:00 gym 15:00 16:00 waterpark spring/summer 13:00 14:00 park
20:00 sex shop 20:00 sex shop 20:00 sex shop 20:00 sex shop 20:00 sex shop 15:00 16:00 clothes shop 15:00 16:00 waterpark Spring/Summer
21:00 22:00 gym 21:00 22:00 gym 21:00 22:00 gym 21:00 22:00 gym 21:00 22:00 gym 17:00 18:00 park 15:00 16:00 gym
23:00 24:00 pub 23:00 24:00 pub 23:00 24:00 pub 23:00 24:00 pub 23:00 24:00 pub 22:00 23:00 pub 17:00 18:00 gym
19:00 23:00 pub