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For Mike MC, the intro consists of four questions. Each of the answers gives different attributes and skills. Question #4 only appears if you pick a bad trait in Question #3. Please also visit Getting started.

Question #1: Do you like sport?

Choice Skill Easy Normal Difficult Description
Martial Arts
Grants the Martial Arts skill.

Useful in several character storylines.

Can be learned from The Master.

+4 +6
+2 +3
+1 +2
Grants the Golf skill.

Currently has no effect.

Grants the Sneaky skill.

Reduces the chances of being caught peeking on your roommates.

+6 +4
+3 +2
+2 +1
Grants the Cooking skill.

Can be learned by using the Cooking book which can be purchased or obtained during Samantha's storyline.

+4 +6
+2 +3
+1 +2
Grants the Dancer skill.

Useful in Palla's storyline.

Can also be learned from Palla's storyline.

+4 +6
+2 +3
+1 +2
Grants the Shooting skill.

Useful for Aletta's and Camila's storyline.

No, I don't
+8 +6
+3 +4
Does not grant a skill, but instead boosts all stats.

All choices except "Nothing" will add the skill belonging to the choice.

Question #2: Do you have a hobby to relax with?

Choice Skill Easy Normal Difficult Description
Food +6 -2 +3 -2 +1 -2 Grants the Iron Stomach skill.

Reduces Hunger drain by 20%.

Video Games
Grants the Gamer skill.

Necessary to play Bree's gamer path and increases Bree's every time you play video games together.

Can be learned by playing games on the Z-Box 360. Increases by 1% on each use regardless of difficulty.

Grants the Workaholic skill.

Increases promotion progression speed at work.

Also adds +5 to maximum regular job promotions and an additional +5 to maximum CEO promotions.

Start with Sports Car and a debt of 200 each week. This debt ceases once 10,000 is paid this way.

+1 Bree


+1 Bree

Grants the Bookworm skill.

Using a book takes half the normal in-game time.

Grants the Guitar skill.

Necessary to start the Band Harem.

Can be learned by using the Guitar book.

Not really
+8 +6
+4 +3

Question #3: Can you tell us something bad or shameful about you?

Choice Skill Consequence Additional information
No, nothing... You won't be able to pick something from Question #4.
I am unlucky -1 (You will need to increase your luck in order to meet Emma) You cannot choose "I'm lucky" at Question #4.
I have some big debt. Adds 200 to weekly rent. This debt ceases once 10,000 is paid this way. Not available if you chose "Cars" at Question #3.
Animals hate me Increases likelihood of being attacked by animals. These attacks can lead to a sharp decrease in or even a game over.
I have a small penis Halves pregnancy chance. You cannot choose "I am hung" for Question #4. Post-date sex with most girls will automatically gain .

Note: Penis size can modified with pills from the drug store, costing 5,000 per stage (Small/Normal/Hung).

I am prone to erectile problems You will recover your slower (increased from 120 hours to 240 hours). You cannot choose "I have a very high libido" for Question #4.

Question #4: Do anything of note, or is corporate lackey all there is to you?

Choice Skill Easy Normal Difficult Description
I won a marathon
I am a people person
I won an eating contest
Grants the Foodie skill.

Increases maximum to 15.

I am pretty lucky +1 Helpful for meeting Emma.

You also start with 1,000 , up from the usual 500 .

I was the best in my class.
I don't sleep
Grants the Night Owl skill.

You require one less hour of sleep each night.

I am hung
Grants the Hung skill.

Increases pregnancy chance. Post-date sex with most girls will automatically gain .

Note: Penis size can be modified with pills from the drug store, costing 5,000 per stage (Small/Normal/Hung).

I have a very high libido
You will recover your faster (reduced from 120 hours to 90 hours).