Solitude and Sorrow: Final Base

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Solitude and Sorrow: Final Base


The "Solitude and Sorrow: Final Base" achievement can be very challenging to obtain. There are many ways to screw up your relationships, but you really have to go out of your way to intentionally botch every single one. There's a couple ways you can get rid of all the main cast LIs (LIs introduced in the DLCs aren't required for this achievement as of version 25.01.0b), listed below.

Important: The order in which you get rid of some LIs matters. Sometimes, getting rid of someone too early may prevent you from getting rid of someone else later down the line. Plan a route accordingly before you start, so you won't have to start over. Save often, and have multiple saves. Good luck!

Above all, keep in mind that this achievement is a puzzle, not a race. Don't be in a hurry to get rid of a girl just because you can. Make a plan, and stick to it.

Before you start

You should probably not try this achievement in your very first playthrough. Between grinding stats, money, and skills, it will be vastly easier to have NG+ unlocked. While you don't necessarily NEED the recommended stats/skills below, they're a good starting point to make obtaining this achievement as painless as possible. Also turn randomness off. The achievement is already complicated without an additional layer of RNG.

Recommended stats: 75+ , 75+ , and 75+ . Note that one of the ways to get rid of Lexi involves low (sub 50) Knowledge or Fitness . Check her individual entry for details.

Recommended skills: Cooking, Workaholic, Iron Stomach, Guitar, Night Owl, Foodie, Martial Arts, Massage, High Libido.

Recommended money: At least 30,000 for various purchases (in particular books to manipulate girls's stats), more is better.

Ending Your Relationships

As mentioned before, while it can be very easy to piss off any girl to the point she'll leave you, doing it so deliberately to all of them at once is no easy feat. You can end your relationship permanently with some of them in at least two different ways. The methods listed here for each girl are not comprehensive, but should all work.

The Office Girls


Fail the Aletta/Lavish or Aletta/Shiori Office Harem confrontation after becoming the CEO.


Get her pregnant, then tell her to abort while her is below 60, and she'll leave you.


Refuse to help her during the "Lavish seeks a promotion" event in her story.


Fail the "Bitchy Harem" showdown with Cassidy.

The High Maintenance


Follow her path to the "Mike becomes Palla’s agent" event. Change your mind about becoming her agent, then tell her it's goodbye. Do this after successfully starting the Bitchy Harem event so you can get rid of Audrey.


Finish her storyline, then choose keep her as your pet. Impregnate her and insist she keeps the baby while her is below 80.

The Friends with Benefits


Follow her story to the event "Bedroom roleplay", and select "Oh no, I've waited forever for this...". Alternatively, fail the "Friendly Harem" prerequisites while Emma has higher (but at least 63+) than Samantha and less than 25 and she'll leave.


During the “Samantha wants to know the truth” event, tell her that you can’t promise to be faithful while her is below 75 and she’ll leave. Alternatively, accept an exclusive relationship at the end of Path A, then take any other girl to a date to the Nightclub when Samantha is there. She'll catch you cheating and leave. Last but not least, you can fail the "Friendly Harem" prerequisites while Samantha's are lower than Emma's and she'll leave. Most importantly, make sure Samantha never agrees to a non-exclusive relationship. If you do, she'll never be jealous or angry enough to leave you.

The Gym Girls


Fail to meet the sporty harem requirements and have sex with her/Hanna within a week, do the "showdown" event. If done right, both will leave.


Fail to meet the sporty harem requirements and have sex with her/Ayesha within a week, do the "showdown" event. If done right, both will leave.

The Pixies


Follow Morgan's story until at least the first Cinema date, but no further. Follow Kleio's story until at least "Kleio fixed the car". Then fail the Pixie harem confrontation (Choose to keep Kleio, and Morgan will leave you. You need to get rid of Morgan first, so you can get rid of Kleio/Anna simultaneously later).


Follow Kleio's story until at least "Kleio fixed the car". Fail to meet the requirements for the band harem by having sex with her and Anna within a week. Do this AFTER the Pixie harem confrontation (so you can get rid of Morgan first).


Follow Anna's story until at least "Horror Movies”. Fail to meet the requirements for the band harem by having sex with her and Anna within a week.

The Law & Lawless


Fail the " Mike finds Lexi" event by refusing to confront Danny. Do this after getting rid of Camila. This may require keeping Lexi dormant most of the game (it’s easy to achieve, just don’t visit the Dark Alley at night until you’re ready). Alternatively, fail the “Danny and his friends visit for a cup of tea” by having less than 50 (choose Brain) or less than 50 (choose Brawn).


Fail the "Talk to Camila about Lexi bail" event from the Criminal Harem by telling her the truth while having insufficient and / stats.


Have her kill Sasha/Bree during the stalking event, then go through her trial events, and testify that Kylie is guilty. Make sure Ayesha/Emma are past their events that involve Bree and/or Palla is past her event that involves Sasha before you do this.

The Roommates


Fail the home harem requirements, have sex with her and Bree within 7 days. Make sure one of them stays with you so Kylie can kill them, and you can get rid of Kylie. Keep Sasha around at least until you unlock Palla and do the "Meet Palla in the clothes-store" event so you can get rid of Palla later.


Fail the home harem requirements, have sex with her and Sasha within 7 days. Make sure one of them stays with you so Kylie can kill them, and you can get rid of Kylie. Keep Bree around at least until you can unlock Ayesha ("Ayesha's show" event) and past Emma's relevant storylines ("Eavesdrop on Emma and Bree" event).


Get Minami pregnant and tell her you won't take responsibility, and she'll leave you.

Heaven and Hell


Confront her about her cheating during the "Discussing the dinner date" event. Tell her you don't want to see her again.


Get her pregnant, and then tell her to abort while she has the religious trait (71+ ) OR less than 75 and NOT have the slutty trait, and she'll leave you. It’s important to not advance Harmony’s story too far, and not reduce her too much.